Intersex and trans roundtable meeting on health

Gina Wilson and Morgan Carpenter from OII Australia participated in the National LGBTI Health Alliance‘s first intersex and trans roundtable at the offices of the Australian Human Rights Commission on 18 and 19 June. Other intersex participants were Sandra, president of the AIS Support Group Australia, and Andrew, representing a Tasmanian group.

From the Press Release [PDF]:

“This was a historic meeting,” said Peter Hyndal, Convenor of the Alliance’s Working Group and Alliance Board member.

“Although there have been a number of positive developments in recent years, there are still a large number of reforms required to ensure equal and appropriate treatment for all people of diverse sex and gender. The meeting, which included broad representation from key stakeholders in every state and territory, addressed a program of action for Australians of diverse sex and gender in three broad areas: health and medical, legal and regulatory, and social services. Unanimous agreement was reached on the main priorities which included access to appropriate medical services, identity recognition, education, training and research.

This is the start of an ongoing process – conclusions from the round table will inform the work of the National LGBTI Health Alliance.

From OII Australia’s perspective, the meeting was constructive and inclusive, with friendly, positive engagement. There were some process issues apparent; these and other differences were handled effectively and we look forward to reading (and sharing) the forthcoming report.

We congratulate the National LGBTI Health Alliance, and thank all the participants.

Photos by Morgan.