Domestic and family violence
A briefing paper on domestic and family violence and intersex people.
A briefing paper on domestic and family violence and intersex people.
This submission to a Senate inquiry on an exposure draft marriage bill discusses the role of medical interventions in preparing intersex bodies for marriage, as well as issues accessing marriage. It analyses the implications of marriage laws in Australia before marriage equality.
Morgan Carpenter spoke at The Mental Health Services Conference in Perth this August, as part of an intersectional symposium entitled Diversity & power in mental health services, Addressing structural violence. The conference is the largest and longest running multidisciplinary mental health conference in Australasia: TheMHS Conference attracts over 1000 mental health clinicians, managers, consumers, carers/families,…
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Morgan Carpenter spoke on intersex wellbeing and health issues at the national LGBTIQ Domestic and Family Violence conference in Sydney last week.
On the Ninth Day of Intersex we draw your attention to domestic violence and how that affects intersex lives. What is intersex? Intersex people are people who, as individuals, have congenital genetic, hormonal and physical features that may be thought to be typical of both male and female at once. That is, we may be…
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OII Australia has responded to the NSW state government Office for Women’s discussion paper on NSW Domestic and Family Violence Strategic Framework.
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