Legal (page 5 of 6)

Articles about legal cases and judgements, and policing matters. Read our briefing papers on bodily integrity, discrimination, identification documents and detention

a newspaper

Sydney Morning Herald on the recognition of non-specific gender

The Sydney Morning Herald yesterday carried a story by Steve Dow on Norrie’s campaign for “legal recognition as a person of no specified sex”. Born male and transitioned to female, before choosing a middle path, the article presents Norrie’s personal journey. OII Australia believes that anyone should be able to choose a “not specified” sex…
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The National Police Certificate (NPC) check as it is carried out in Queensland

Discussion with representatives of the Queensland police service. Dear Amanda Please find attached recent correspondence between Organisation Intersex International and Assistant Commissioner Paul Stewart. There are a couple of things I seek clarity on: Is an agency able to request a police check without the individual in question knowing? Are third parties able to request…
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What human rights are affected by early medical intervention?

What human rights are affected by early medical interventions aimed at “normalising” the bodies of intersex infants, children and adolescents? The Yogyakarta Principles In particular Principle 18: B: Take all necessary legislative, administrative and other measures to ensure that no child’s body is irreversibly altered by medical procedures in an attempt to impose a gender…
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