Chris Somers: “The fear amongst medicine and its allies of intersex people potentially gaining human rights”

There appears to be an abject fear of allowing intersex people any rights whatsoever.

More specifically, an alarming number of medical, allied personnel and others deliberately place blinkers upon themselves. What they are afraid of is any peripheral vision lest they see the clear scientific findings about a human reality that really does exist.

There is no doubt in my mind that some still want to block the human rights of those who are intersex by means of denigration and by furthering the self-interests of a number of professionals who find great difficulty in recognizing those who are intersex by disempowering their legitimate voices of concern. These professionals present not an authentic picture but a forgery – DSD (Disorders of Sex Development) – when the reality is INTERSEX.

This is indeed a very troublesome negation of those who are intersex. It is part of a perturbing drive towards amassing further support in the culling or rearrangement of those of us who are intersex in order to fit the bipolar social construct of sex without regard to both scientific and ethical considerations.

The intersex person should not be forced to comply to the wishes of some in the medical and allied professions regardless of the impacts on health and wellbeing, and more so where coercive consent is applied. This is an extremely dangerous road that is being taken by an alarming number within the medical and allied professions and others within the general population in fear of the intersex fraternity.

We need INTERSEX PEOPLE to be unrelenting advocates for change and forge ahead in seeking an equitable and ethical future where we are not dismissed or negated. This is necessary not only for ourselves but those who follow long after we have passed on.

We must persist to give others who follow the courage they will need to accomplish the ultimate goal of acceptance, understanding and respect towards all of those born differently to others. Eugenics must never be a part of the equation.

Fervent and best wishes from Chris Somers, Vice-Chair of OII Australia

Chris Somers xxy M.Ed. by Research (UWA); B.Ed. (Melb); Hons Diploma of Creative Photography (Trent Poly, now Nottingham Trent University, U.K.).
Vice-President, OII Australia