Tony Briffa in Body&Soul: “I’m proud to be intersex”

Tony: "I'm proud to be intersex"
Tony Briffa appears in an article in the “Body and Soul” magazine today, in the Sunday Herald Sun (Victoria), Sunday Telegraph (NSW), Sunday Mail (QLD), Sunday Mail (SA), Sunday Territorian, Sunday Times and the Sunday Tasmanian. It’s based on Tony’s own words, and we’re proud of Tony for doing this!

It’s a challenge living in a society that’s divided so clearly into men and women. But I feel very comfortable having accepted my true self and that I’m not male or female, but both. I’ll continue to live as “Tony” but I’m now at a point in my life where I can celebrate being different. Thankfully my wife, my family and my friends understand and accept all parts of me.

Well done, Tony!

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One Comment

Chris Somers xxy

Tony amongst others around the world has been a friend for some years now, even prior to his/her coming out into the open. The more people who feel comfortable in doing so, it will help lift a great weight off the shoulders of not only the person doing so, but importantly help others living under the proverbial carpet, though I know for myself it is not easy to do so in the first place. In time though it can affect so many in positive ways, that being different is a plus in my view of life, though it may not be for others, as it gives one another an insight into the world in which we live. It is not only Intersex people who are different but everyone is unto themselves and each other, and through being different makes for a far more interesting world. Imagine a garden with but one kind of flower and nothing else… the variations in life make the world a far more fascinating place to inhabit, just as all in the animal kingdom (fauna) and not forgetting the flora too. We should cherish the life we have been given, even when in some peoples eyes it may be a little or more strange… that depends upon one’s maturity, etc. However one has to be able to accept those differences amongst one another to help make a better world with understanding and not be too presumptuous, where equity is not just a word for an elite group called ‘norm born’, but for everyone and where the activation of the eugenic principle becomes a rarity, rather to create a super race based on lose facts. People would be surprised just who are and the contributions they have made in society the world over, and if they have not been able to do so, ask the questions why? Further what did those who are not intersex do to help those who are, for the right reasons? Good wishes from another Intersex person who is happy to have been born the way the way I am – Chris Somers xxy. Friday 12 September 2014.

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