At the Wear It With Pride Launch

OII Australia was invited to attend the Wear It With Pride launch on the Opera House forecourt recently.

Wear It With Pride celebrates the changing of 85 pieces of legislation that previously discriminated against same sex couples.

The Federal Attorney General introduced these changes following the same sex enquiry conducted by the Australian Human Rights Commissioner Graham Innes.

The event was well attended by some celebrated gay and lesbian identities and their allies. Despite the wind and immanent rain there was a good audience and large media contingent.

OII was interested to hear the acronym ‘LGBT’ used by most speakers and in particular by those that organized the Wear It With Pride website and this event.

As far as it was possible to tell by a good look at the attendees that no bisexual or trans people were present, and if they were they were invisible.


Angela Erde


That must have made you feel really welcome, being invited to a celebration of human rights for L and G people where the I-word – intersex – failed to be mentioned even once and when intersex people have no human rights, no equality, no protection against discrimination and vilification and no patient-centered healthcare.

LGBT is the badge of blatant intersex exclusion.


Most exasperating was the posters declaring equal access to superannuation for same sex couples. I am currently unable to pass my super onto my partner because we are deemed to be in a same sex relationship.

This despite the 85 changes to legislation by the federal government and despite it being in breach of the Victorian Charter of Rights, the state where my super fund is based.

There is a long way to go before we have real equality rather than the current wobbly veneer.

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