The Project interviews Tony Briffa and Bonnie Hart

Last night Australian news and current affairs infotainment television show The Project reported on intersex. Two intersex Australians were interviewed and a doctor was asked to give his views on delaying cosmetic genital surgery and hormone treatment beyond the time of birth until the child can consent to such treatment.

The Project: Bor or Girl? - click to go to this web page.

The show’s reporters appear to be somewhat confused about intersex, exemplified in statements like “But despite outward appearances there are some people who identify with both sexes, because physically they are two genders” and others.

The Project’s web page on this segment, Boy or Girl?, invites comments from viewers. Some of the content of the segment itself leaves much to be desired. It will be viewable online by readers in Australia soon at

We congratulate Tony Briffa and Bonnie Hart for taking part in a discussion on intersex on evening television!