Community consultation forum for parents, Victoria Department of Health

Victoria Department of Health is holding a consultation forum for parents of children with intersex variations. There’s no reason why parents of intersex adults (particularly young adults) shouldn’t attend the consultation – your perspective and hindsight may even be helpful.

From the Department:

Based on feedback from community support organisations and other stakeholders, the Victorian Department of Health has scheduled an additional targeted consultation forum for parents and guardians of children with intersex variations in order to better understand their health and wellbeing issues. The Victorian Government acknowledges that while many people with intersex variations live healthy, connected, happy and positive lives, there are a number of issues particular to people with intersex variations that need to be addressed.

This consultation process will inform the development of a health and wellbeing plan… The plan will focus on those responsibilities of the Victorian Minister for Health and Ageing and the Victorian Minister for Mental Health, namely the health, aged care, mental health and drug services portfolios.

We would be interested to hear directly from parents and guardians of children with intersx variations about:

  • What are the priority health issues for people with intersex variations that should be included in a health and wellbeing plan?
  • Where are the service gaps?
  • What could be done differently within the health system to improve responsiveness and health and wellbeing outcomes for the intersex community?
  • Are there any examples of good practice in the health system that you would like to bring to the Government’s attention?

The forum is being held on Tuesday 1 April 2014 from 6pm to 8pm (please arrive by 5.45pm, if possible, to have something to eat and drink). The forum will be held at Room 10, Level 1, 50 Lonsdale St, Melbourne.

The meeting will be conducted by a professional facilitator and is an RSVP-only event. Please RSVP to with 1 APRIL FORUM in the subject line, by Friday 28 March. Please also advise of any dietary requirements.