Health and medical ethics (page 1 of 18)

For an introduction to these issues, see our page on bodily integrity

the shape of Queensland, in purple

Response to development of a Queensland Trauma Strategy

Our submission on the development of the Queensland Trauma Strategy, focusing on intersex-specific experiences of trauma, and the omission of discussion of these experiences from materials produced on trauma in LGBTQIA+SB populations.


Pre-budget submission

IHRA has recently made a first pre-budget submission to Treasury, proposing the funding of a health service for people with innate variations of sex characteristics.

Intersex Awareness Day 2023

On 26 October 1996, Morgan Holmes and Max Beck, were turned away from an opportunity to speak at a paediatrics conference in Boston. They had hoped to speak to address the ways they had been treated – the ways their bodies had been changed, before they were able to personally consent – as people with…
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Legislation to protect intersex human rights in the ACT passed!

Today, and with cross-party support, the ACT Assembly has passed legislation introduced by Andrew Barr in March to protect the human rights of people with innate variations of sex characteristics in medical settings. The legislation will implement mechanisms to regulate non-urgent medical care to encourage child participation in medical decisions, establish groundbreaking oversight mechanisms and…
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The logotype of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights

Submission to the UN Committee against Torture

Later this year Australia will be considered during the 75th session of the UN Committee against Torture. In 2016 we made a submission to the Committee under our former name, OII Australia. Given the time that has elapsed since then, and given local developments, we have submitted a new shadow report.