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O&G Magazine cover, December 2018

O&G Magazine: “What do intersex people need from doctors?” and more

O&G Magazine, the magazine of the Royal Australian & New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RANZCOG) published a special issue on LGBTQIA people for December 2018. It contains articles on intersex people by Morgan Carpenter and Dr Jenny Beale, and relevant content by Dr Kimberley Ivory, Dr Elizabeth Kerekere and others.

Australian Law Reform Commission submission

Submission to the ALRC on reform of the family law system

IHRA has made a submission to the Australian Law Reform Commission regarding its discussion paper on reform of the family law system, with a focus on reform of the welfare jurisdiction to ensure that children with intersex variations and persons with disabilities are protected from harmful practices.

The symbol of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, in purple

Submissions to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child

IHRA has made a submission to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, kindly endorsed by the AIS Support Group Australia, Disabled People’s Organisations of Australia, National LGBTI Health Alliance, and People with Disability Australia. As a member of the Australian Child Rights Taskforce, IHRA also participated in the development and submission of a joint shadow report.

Aboriginal, Intersex and Australian flags flying in Altona on Intersex Awareness Day, 2018

Intersex Awareness Day, 2018

On the 22nd anniversary of a demonstration by ‘Hermaphrodites with Attitude’ and allies outside a paediatrics conference, from which intersex advocates had been excluded, we mark the day with flag raising, parliamentary meetings, bridge lighting and a call to end forced medical interventions on intersex people.

Reproductive Health Matters Journal: "Intersex human rights: clinical self-regulation has failed"

Morgan Carpenter: “Clinical self-regulation has failed”

  On invitation, Morgan Carpenter has written a blog post for the journal Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters: “Intersex human rights: clinical self-regulation has failed”. Here’s an extract: There is neither clinical consensus nor clinical evidence to support current coercive practices [8]. Clinical bodies face multiple challenges in constructing evidence to support these clinical practices….
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Anick, filmed for the BBC

Meet Anick in ‘The Intersex Diaries’

Anick talks in a series of video and audio features with the BBC about his life, meeting other intersex people and his final surgery. Anick and Morgan (IHRA) were also interviewed by RightsInfo.

The Darling award 2018

Inaugural Darlington Intersex Ally Award

On Intersex Awareness Day, a consortium of intersex-led and allied organisations will proudly announce the recipient of the first annual Darlington intersex ally award, the Darling. It will be presented to an organisation, institution or individual that demonstrates a commitment to action on intersex human rights beyond affirming the Darlington Statement.

the shape of WA, in purple

Submission to the Law Reform Commission of WA

Debate about legal gender recognition in Western Australia has thankfully shifted the debate in Australia from one focused on the recognition of non-binary gender categories to one that questions the necessity of legal registration of sex and gender at all.

IHRA logotype

Appropriating ‘DSD’ as a way for trans people to access surgery

Over recent years we’ve commented on appropriation of intersex by multiple different groups of gender diverse people, including based on the harmful idea that being intersex ‘messes with the system‘, the harmful idea that being transgender is a form of ‘brain intersex‘, and the harmful idea that intersex is a non-binary gender. We know these…
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Submission to the AHRC on protecting rights in medical settings

We are pleased to share our submission to the Australian Human Rights Commission on protecting the human rights of people born with variations in sex characteristics in the context of medical interventions. It is kindly endorsed by the AIS Support Group Australia, Disabled People’s Organisations Australia, LGBTI Legal Service and People with Disability Australia.

Hippocrates - statue

Tony Briffa: “The Hippocratic Oath, Western Medicine, and the Children of Hermes and Aphrodite”

Tony Briffa has written on being intersex and Maltese Australian in the book Living and Loving in Diversity: An anthology of Australian multicultural queer adventures (chief editor Maria Pallotta-Chiarolli, Wakefield Press). The book was launched at the 2018 Australian GLBTIQ Multicultural Council conference, “Living Loving Diversity”, and an edited extract has been published by Archer…
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