Peace and Freedom cannot be separated/ International Day of Non-Violence

By Margie McCumstie & Mira BouchmounyNext to a picture of a white dove holding an olive branch are the words "Today is the International Day of Non-Violence" A photo of a sculpture of a gun with a knot in it and a photo of a surgeon with hazard tape. Next to a picture of a purple and red heart is the quote from Dr Martin Luther King Jnr- "At the centre of non-violence, stands the principle of love."

On this International Day of Non-Violence, we stand in solidarity with peoples experiencing genocide, carpet bombing, and occupation. From Palestine and Lebanon to Congo, Sudan, and Ukraine, our world is acutely aware of the pervasive violence. The genocide in Gaza, the ongoing war in Ukraine, and Israel’s escalating war on Lebanon highlight the devastating impacts of colonial legacies and geopolitical strife.

In Australia, the effects of colonialism continue to manifest in the systemic oppression and poor treatment of Indigenous populations. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples face disproportionate rates of incarceration, police brutality, and socio-economic disadvantages. These injustices are a direct legacy of colonisation, which seek to displace and marginalise Indigenous communities.

We also acknowledge the systemic medical violence that creates trauma for people with innate variations of sex characteristics around the world. Intersex individuals are often coerced into unnecessary surgeries and medical interventions, violating their bodily autonomy and causing long-term physical and psychological harm. This medical violence is rooted in societal norms that fail to recognise and respect the diversity of human bodies.

By linking these issues, we underscore the interconnectedness of different forms of violence and the importance of a unified stand against all forms of oppression. Let us commit to fostering a culture of peace, tolerance, and understanding, and work towards a world where every individual can live free from violence and discrimination.

“You can’t separate peace from freedom because no one can be at peace unless he has his freedom.”- Malcolm X