WPATH disorders intersex while depathologizing transgender

From the ‘Response of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health to the Proposed DSM 5 Criteria for Gender Incongruence’:

(4) Adding a specifier of “with or without a Disorder of Sex Development” is an improvement over the need to use the “Not Otherwise Specified” diagnosis because individuals with intersex conditions may have a similar experience regarding their gender identity and desire corresponding treatment interventions. In DSM IV-TR, individuals with intersex conditions are specifically excluded from the unqualified diagnosis (American Psychiatric Association, 2000).

OII Australia regards the disordering intersex while depathologizing transgender as a hypocritical stance.

Intersex issues are not, and should not be, part of the remit of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health.

Update: OII Australia and OII Aotearoa/NZ made a formal submission to the APA and WPATH in June 2012.

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