Jenny Leong MP introduces motion in NSW Legislative Assembly

Jenny Leong, Greens MP for Newtown in New South Wales, has introduced a motion to recognise Intersex Awareness Day in the Legislative Assembly (lower house) of the State Parliament.

This is the motion:

Madame Speaker:
I give notice that on the next available sitting day I will move:
That this House:

  1. Observes that Monday 26th October is Intersex Awareness Day.
  2. Recognises the work of global and local organisations that advocate for Intersex communities, including the United Nations through their ‘Free & Equal’ campaign and the volunteer-run Organisation Intersex International Australia.
  3. Work with the Australian Government to implement the recommendations of the 2013 report by the Australian Senate’s Community Affairs Committee into ‘Involuntary or coerced sterilisation of intersex people in Australia’, including the recommendation that medical treatment of intersex people takes place under guidelines that favour “deferral of normalising treatment until the person can give fully informed consent.”
  4. Acknowledges the human rights of people with intersex variations and the infringement of those rights caused by current and past medical practices.
  5. Recognises the trauma and stigmatisation that the Intersex community has faced.

Here’s Jenny Leong’s post about the motion, which was introduced on Friday 23 October:

At the same time, Bruce Notley-Smith, MP for Coogee and a member of governing Liberal party, comments:

And the NSW Parliamentary Friendship Group for LGBTIQ People comments:

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