Announcing InterLink peer support for individuals, parents and carers

InterLink: an extract of a poster
InterLink brings people together in safe, confidential groups to talk about living with innate variations of sex characteristics with the support of trained counsellors and intersex peer workers. InterLink is a six-session program for people (aged 10+) with innate variations of sex characteristics and the parents or carers of children, where they can:

  • speak with a trained mental health practitioner,
  • get connected to peer support and community networks, and
  • meet others with similar bodies or experiences – all in the one place.

InterLink has a brief, short-term format that is easy to engage with and helps people of all ages start having conversations about intersex bodies and their health or interpersonal issues. Groups run online and in-person throughout the year.

Are you interested in participating in this program, as someone with an innate variation, as a parent or carer of a child with a variation, or as a healthcare practitioner? Priority will be given to people living in QLD, but we will accept folks from elsewhere in Australia if numbers permit. Registrations are now open via the InterLink website at

InterLink is a peer-led initiative run by Bonnie Hart with the Queensland Council for LGBTI Health and endorsed by IPSA.

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InterLink Poster (landscape)
InterLink Poster (landscape)

InterLink Poster (portrait)
InterLink Poster (portrait)