Author: Admin

Senthorun Raj, photo by Karin

Thank you and happy holidays, Sen!

OII Australia wishes to thank another of our longstanding allies in the Australian LGBTQI community, Senthorun Raj, for all his support over the years. Happy holidays, Sen!

Thank you and happy holidays, Corey Irlam!

OII Australia wishes to thank one of our longstanding allies in the Australian LGBTQI community, Corey Irlam, for all his support over the years. Happy holidays, Corey!

Marriage Equality Rally at ALP National Conference, Sydney, 3rd December 2011

OII Australia members were inside the ALP National Conference at Darling Harbour and were supporting the marriage equality rally outside the conference venue on Saturday December 3 2011. Intersex Australians lost the clear right to marriage when the Howard Liberal federal government amended the Marriage Act 1961, changing the definition of marriage as between two…
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headline from press statement

An Australian intersex world first: intersex inclusion throughout Labor federal governing party policy platform reforms

OII Australia ally Rainbow Labor has welcomed changes in the Australian Labor Party policy platform that further support the LGBTI community and especially intersex people. As a result, Australia leads internationally in being intersex-inclusive.  Summary of changes to the ALP platform: Commitment under Labor Values to health care and specific health care needs of GLBTI Australians (140A)…
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JOY 94.9 rainbow logo

JOY 94.9’s Rainbow Report interviews OII Australia’s Gina Wilson on why the AHRC’s The Sex Files is so bad for intersex people

WHEN the Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) undertook its The Sex Files consultation with Australia’s LGBTQI community, Commissioner Graeme Innes made clear that the investigation would not take into account the very real and many needs of Australia’s intersex people. Intersex people were welcome to take part nonetheless, he said. Instead we were informed that The…
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The symbol of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, in purple

United Nations Committee against Torture makes historic statement on intersex, redress for intersex genital mutilation (IGM), education and more

The UN Committee against Torture sitting in Germany from October 31 to November 25 2011 has considered a German report on torture and other abuses and has produced a groundbreaking statement on intersex and torture: Intersex people 20. The Committee takes note of the information received during the dialogue that the Ethical Council has undertaken…
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