Author: Admin

marriage equality rally participants

Rally for marriage equality rally in Sydney, 13 August

We have published some photographs from last Saturday’s rally for marriage equality in Sydney. Members of OII Australia often choose to attend these events because intersex people do not have the equal right to marriage in Australia under the amendments to the Marriage Act 1961. Although we did not contribute a speech on the lack…
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Intersexion movie flyer

Video: Intersex documentary “Intersexion”

Long awaited documentary about the experiences of a number of intersex people around the world, Intersexion, was made for New Zealand television broadcaster TV One by Grant Lahood with the assistance of Wellington-resident intersex activist and counsellor Mani Bruce Mitchell.

Hospital - stock photo courtesy of Freepik

Intersex and the DSM

UPDATE: OII Australia and OII Aotearoa have released a submission on the DSM-5, which can be read here [PDF] in June 2012. This submission supersedes the following position statement. The American Psychiatric Association (APA) is currently rewriting the Diagnostic and Statistic Manual (DSM). This will be its fifth full revision, the DSM-V. See: The…
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an outline of a daisy

Anti-violence statement

OII Australia opposes the use of violence, threats or personal insults as a way of pursuing objectives, and has a duty of care towards its members.

OII Australia logotype

OII Australia and ‘ISGD’ – a response to the debate

This is a response to an article by Tracie O’Keefe and Indi Edwards Roughsedge, What is intersex and how does it fit into ISGD?, published on 31 May 2011. That article is a response to an article by OII Australia, ‘ISGD’ and the appropriation of intersex published on 22 May 2011. Both are worth reading…
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OII Australia logotype

‘ISGD’ and the appropriation of intersex

“I’ve been waiting for years for you to show up. It’s clear that transsexuals are not going to get our rights until intersexuals do.” (quoted by Suzanne Kessler, 1998) “Intersex is not one but many sites of contested being, [with] temporally sutured biomedical, political and social imperatives… ‘Intersex’ is a sign constantly under erasure, whose…
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