Public submissions (page 4 of 8)

Public submissions to governments, institutions and other bodies.

the shape of NT, in purple

Submission on anti-discrimination law in NT

OII Australia has made a formal submission to the Northern Territory Department of the Attorney General and Justice. It responds to a consultation on reform of anti-discrimination law.

The symbol of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, in purple

Shadow Report submission to the UN Human Rights Committee

OII Australia has submitted a shadow report to the UN Human Rights Committee, endorsed by the Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome Support Group Australia, Disabled People’s Organisations of Australia, National LGBTI Health Alliance, and People with Disability Australia.

marriage and relationships

Marriage and people with intersex variations

This submission to a Senate inquiry on an exposure draft marriage bill discusses the role of medical interventions in preparing intersex bodies for marriage, as well as issues accessing marriage. It analyses the implications of marriage laws in Australia before marriage equality.

Logos of A Gender Agenda, National LGBTI Health Alliance, OII Australia, Trans Formative and Trans Gender Victoria

Joint submission on recognition of non-binary gender in federal sex/gender guidelines

OII Australia recently joined with the National LGBTI Health Alliance, A Gender Agenda, Transformative and Transgender Victoria to agree a joint submission to the federal Attorney General’s Department on non-binary recognition in the federal sex and gender recognition guidelines. It recommends that “X” be redefined as “non-binary”.