Public submissions (page 5 of 8)

Public submissions to governments, institutions and other bodies.

OII Australia logotype

Submission on Labor’s Draft National Platform

We made a submission on the Labor Party’s Draft National Platform earlier in May this year, covering a wide variety of recommendations on health, human rights, and identification documents. The Conference is a triennial event.

silver sachets of testosterone, photo by Morgan Carpenter

PBS policy change on testosterone

This is a submission to the Health Minister, following a reported policy change by the Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee (PBAC) restricting access to testosterone to treatment initiated by a specialist.

The symbol of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, in purple

Submission to the UN Committee Against Torture

OII Australia has made a submission to the UN Committee Against Torture, in relation to a national review of Australia’s work. The submission has been endorsed by the Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome Support Group Australia, People with Disability Australia and the National LGBTI Health Alliance.