All news (page 58 of 60)

Sydney Morning Herald: "Be careful what the doctor may have ordered"

Sydney Morning Herald, “Be careful what the doctor may have ordered”

Lisa Pryor has written on “therapists with unconventional qualifications”, noting that no government body charged has power to “discipline unregistered therapists”. OII Australia always recommends that people choose a properly qualified therapist. The article carries some useful information for making this choice.

two passports with a globe symbol on the front

Signs of reform in the Australian Passport Office

We are pleased to report that the Australian Passport Office, in the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, has made first steps in reforming its practices in relation to what it calls ‘sex and gender diverse’ people. We thank them for this. It should be noted, though that DFAT’s new position is essentially a return…
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Orchid buds

AHRC’s Paper ‘Surgery on intersex infants and human rights’

The Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has released a paper titled Surgery on intersex infants and human rights. We deeply regret the report’s equivocation on surgery to modify the appearance of intersex infants and children. The report acknowledges such interventions without commenting on their necessity or lifelong consequences. It is available for download here.

the shape of new south wales, in purple

NSW Government promises to change name of NSW Birth Defects Register

According to two regional newspapers, Glenda Graban of Picton, NSW, has persuaded the NSW Health Department to change the name of the NSW Birth Defect Register to something kinder and more humane. Great work, Glenda! It is reported that NSW Minister for Health John Della Bosca has agreed in principle to the change of name,…
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The Silent, LOTL, June 2009

Karin: “The Silent”

LOTL have published a feature by OII Australia member Karin on “The Silent”. PROFESSOR Milton Diamond of the University of Hawaii’s Pacific Center for Sex and Society estimates the prevalence of intersex – having biological characteristics both male and female – as 1 in 100. Some academics believe the ratio of intersex people in the…
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Photo by Karin

Karin: “Fact, fiction and intersex lives”

In a world as heavily mediated as ours, where the boundary between reality staged for entertainment and reality documented for information is blurred, and sometimes lost altogether, works of fiction often encroach upon the territory of fact – the danger is that we may not be able to tell the difference. That certainly happens when…
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poster reading "I am not a disorder of sex development!"

I am not a DSD

Poster “I am not a Disorder of Sex Development!” Tap the image to download a resizable PDF poster.