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Parliament: an icon showing an outline of the Australian Parliament

Call for action by the new government

IHRA is pleased to share our call for action by the new government. It includes calls for action to promote legislative reform, resource peer support and advocacy, reform medical codes and provide redress.


A short reflection on the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, and Transphobia and what it means to people with innate variations of sex characteristics in 2022.

Parliament: an icon showing an outline of the Australian Parliament

Intersex people and the federal election 2022

What do the main political parties have to say about people with intersex variations and our needs and circumstances during this federal election campaign? Watch the election forum, read the transcript, and read our briefing and election survey responses.

IHRA logotype

Statement on 10 News Reporting on Intersex Women in Sport

At the heart of violence against the intersex community are people who feel they get to police and fix other people’s bodies. Caster Semenya, born a woman, raised a woman, who has demonstrated nothing but hard-earned excellence in her field is harmed by irresponsible reporting. Sporting codes that are intended to accommodate transgender women in…
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Federal election forum flyer

Federal election forum: 5 May 2022

Join Patricia Karvelas and representatives from the Coalition, Labor and the Greens for a discussion of the issues that matter to LGBTQ people and people with intersex variations this election. 5 May 2022 at 6:30pm AEST.

International Women's Day, 2022: photos of IHRA and IPSA board members Dr Anita Jacombs, Michelle McGrath, Alice de Jonge, and Agli Zavros-Orr

International Women’s Day, 2022

Women in our community comment for International Women’s Day on 8 March 2022. A theme of this year’s event is ending bias, and working towards a world that is diverse, equitable and inclusive, free from bias, stereotypes and discrimination.