Chris Somers xxy, Tracy Reibel and David Whyatt: Intersex and androgyny and implications for provision of primary health care

Chris Somers xxy (vice-president of OII Australia) and colleagues present an analysis of intersex issues for primary healthcare providers.

Chris Somers xxy is a national and international intersex activist with a M.Ed. By Research (UWA); concerning Androgyny; B.Ed. (Melb); Hons Dip Creative Photography (Trent Polytechnic now Trent University, UK); who has worked in a number of life fields inclusive of Education and the Visual Arts both within the public and private sectors, as Photographic Illustrator-Artist, Photo-Journalist to national and international publishing houses and for a while as a Medical Photographer in a tertiary hospital.

Chris Somers xxy, Tracy Reibel and David Whyatt: Intersex and Androgyny and Implications for Provision of Primary Health Care

Has worked as relief teacher in Primary, Technical and High Schools and Prison settings; was a fulltime Instructor and Lecturer of Professional Photography on courses within colleges and University for nine years. A number of his/her art works are held in both private collections and public institutions in Australia and overseas; inclusive of the Federal Parliament of Australia.

In 1990 was presented with a prestigious award for services to international education concerning Antarctica from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Government of Saudi Arabia and the King Abdulaziz University. Somers xxy, C is undertaking preliminary studies towards a PhD concerning Intersex and Androgyny at The University of South Australia, through The Combined Universities Centre for Rural Health in Geraldton Western Australia, where s/he won a fellowship and is a guest researcher.

Chris is on the Board of the Organisation Intersex International arguably the world’s most prestigious and eminent Intersex www site. Further Somers xxy, C. is intent on advocating for meaningful research across the board of human endeavour for those born intersex and or androgynous, where they no longer live in fear of their differences and are accepted into the community. …

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