Author: Admin

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What human rights are affected by early medical intervention?

What human rights are affected by early medical interventions aimed at “normalising” the bodies of intersex infants, children and adolescents? The Yogyakarta Principles In particular Principle 18: B: Take all necessary legislative, administrative and other measures to ensure that no child’s body is irreversibly altered by medical procedures in an attempt to impose a gender…
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London Telegraph: “IAAF offers to pay for Caster Semenya’s gender surgery if she fails verification test”

Disturbing news in the London Telegraph: The International Association of Athletics Federations has offered to pay Caster Semenya’s medical expenses should she require gender surgery or other treatment to continue competing as a woman. The IAAF is still awaiting the final results of the gender verification test carried out on the South African teenager during…
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detail from the 2009 annual report

NSW Anti-Discrimination Board (NSW ADB) Annual Report 2008-2009 Released

The Anti-Discrimination Board’s 2008-2009 Annual Report has been published. On page 27 it includes a blunt assessment of the lack of protection for intersex people anywhere in Australia: Intersex discrimination – intersex people are not protected against discrimination anywhere in Australia External link: ADB Annual Report 2008-2009

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Richard Goldschmidt: “Intersexuality and the Endocrine Aspect of Sex”

Richard Goldschmidt, in proposing the term intersex, noted the limitations of previous terminology and the significance of his different approach to the subject. Goldschmidt proposed that better terminology was needed when intersex was viewed from the then new perspective of “cytology, genetics, teratology, physiology, serology, endocrinology, etc.” He also invited endocrinologists to view sex differentiation…
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cover detail, Marie Claire magazine, December 2009

Marie Claire Australia writes about intersex

Julietta Jameson writes in the December issue of Marie Claire Australia: “Although the condition remains, in Mani’s words, shrouded in “silence and secrecy”, it’s astonishingly prevalent, with some doctors claiming that one per cent of the population can fall into the category, along a spectrum of conditions ranging from misplaced urethras to enlarged clitorises and…
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OII Australia logotype

Intersex Solidarity Day, Sunday 8th November, marking the birth of Herculine Barbin

Sunday 8th November is Intersex Solidarity Day and Herculine Barbin‘s Birthday. OII Australia and Organisation Intersex International would like to invite others to join us each year by commemorating November 8 as Intersex Solidarity Day. All human rights organizations, feminist allies, academics and gender specialists, as well as other groups and individuals interested in intersex…
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OII Australia logotype

Six key issues for intersex health, 2009

Issue 1: An end to non-consensual infant genital surgery. OII opposes all cosmetic (non-essential) surgery on infants without their full and informed participation in decision-making and their agreement…