Categories by article type (page 36 of 53)

Intersex for parents.

Intersex for parents

This page is for new parents of an intersex child, prospective parents planning a pregnancy or undergoing genetic or preconception screening, and also parents of older children.

detail of Equal Rights Trust issue cover

Equal Rights Trust: Testimony by Gina Wilson on rights for intersex people

The UK’s Equal Rights Trust has just published testimony by OII Australia president, Gina Wilson, in The Equal Rights Review, Vol. 10. Gina talks about her personal background, her work as an activist, and the issues we face in seeking human rights, including intersex and the sex binary, the medical model, invisibility in human rights…
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OII Australia logotype

Where the bloody hell were you?

Do you identify as intersex and you’re not a member of OII Australia or AISSGA? Do you think that intersex is part of the trans umbrella? Brain intersex? Well, where were you when it came to the Senate Inquiry on involuntary and coerced sterilisation? Where were you when it came to intersex human rights and…
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Parliament: an icon showing an outline of the Australian Parliament

Submission on government recognition of sex and gender

This submission has been superseded by later policy, based on the 2013 Malta Declaration, a joint submission to the Attorney General’s Department on amending the guidelines, 2015 2017 Darlington Statement

the shape of ACT, in purple

Response to the ACT government on ‘Beyond the Binary’

The government of the Australian Capital Territory has published its response to “Beyond the Binary”, a report on legal recognition of “sex and gender diversity” in the jurisdiction. We express serious and fundamental concerns.