Categories by article type (page 50 of 53)

Photo by Karin

Karin on “Roberta Cowell’s Story, by Herself”

Karin at OII Australia has obtained a PDF rendition of the autobiography of British intersex woman Roberta Cowell. It was published in the UK in 1954 and has long been out of print. Roberta aka Betty underwent urogenital surgery in the early 1950s. She lived a long life, as a World War II fighter pilot…
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OII Australia founding president, Gina Wilson

Gina Wilson: “Ms Semenya, I Never Knew You”

The events surrounding the gold medal run by Ms Caster Semenya in August of this year have created a perfect storm of speculation around intersex. I know little about Ms Semenya save that she has, by winning a gold medal, brought the full force of sex binary enforcement and intersexphobia down on her apparently unsuitable…
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poster reading “It is not a crime to be born intersex. So please don’t treat me like I’ve committed one.”

It is not a crime to be born intersex…

Poster “It is not a crime to be born intersex. So please don’t treat me like I’ve committed one.” Tap the image to download a resizable PDF poster.

Sydney Morning Herald: "Be careful what the doctor may have ordered"

Sydney Morning Herald, “Be careful what the doctor may have ordered”

Lisa Pryor has written on “therapists with unconventional qualifications”, noting that no government body charged has power to “discipline unregistered therapists”. OII Australia always recommends that people choose a properly qualified therapist. The article carries some useful information for making this choice.

Orchid buds

AHRC’s Paper ‘Surgery on intersex infants and human rights’

The Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has released a paper titled Surgery on intersex infants and human rights. We deeply regret the report’s equivocation on surgery to modify the appearance of intersex infants and children. The report acknowledges such interventions without commenting on their necessity or lifelong consequences. It is available for download here.