Categories by article type (page 9 of 53)


Submission to the ACT government on prohibiting harmful medical practices

In January, IHRA made a submission to the ACT government in response to its discussion paper on prohibiting deferrable medical interventions on intersex people. Our submission was written by Morgan Carpenter and endorsed by Intersex Peer Support Australia and the Intersex Trust of Aotearoa New Zealand. Drafting gave us an opportunity to identify and set out a shared vision for law reform.

IHRA logotype

Vacancy: Senior projects officer (part-time)

We have a vacancy for a Senior Projects Officer. This is a senior role which requires the successful applicant to demonstrate experience in writing and communication, public speaking, systematic advocacy, and community development. The application deadline is 25 June.

Morgan and Tony, smiling outside the federal Parliament, 2014

Staffing and board changes

We thank Tony Briffa for her work as she steps down from a staff role, and we welcome new board members Dr Anita Jacombs, Olympia Balopitos and Paul Byrne-Moroney.

The New Idea magazine logo superimposed on a screenshot of their story by Alice Murphy

Unacceptable behaviour

The stigmatisation of intersex people runs deep, and crops up in all sorts of ways that indicate how it is just taken for granted as normal and acceptable behaviour. We need your help to end it.

"Intersex 2021 - A Vision for the Future" conference

Intersex 2021 – A Vision for the Future

This interdisciplinary intersex studies conference takes place entirely online on 21-22 April. Watch for a keynote by Morgan Carpenter and presentations from our region by Bonnie Hart, Rogena Sterling, and others.

Darlington consortium logo - blocks in the process of forming a set of two rings


Intersex Human Rights Australia is a proud participant in a number of networks and partnerships.

Bold text reading "My Body My Choice"

My Body/My Choice: Make space to talk about intersex human rights

I’m a WA representative for Intersex Peer Support Australia (IPSA), a national intersex-led charity that provides peer support to people with intersex variations and our families. In my role, I get to meet many other people with intersex variations and parents.

Health in Difference conference logo 2021

Health in Difference, 2021

This Health in Difference conference, look out for contributions by Morgan Carpenter, Bonnie Hart and a keynote by Tony Briffa.