Health and medical ethics (page 11 of 18)

For an introduction to these issues, see our page on bodily integrity


The “Phall-O-Meter”

The Phall-O-Meter is a satirical representation of the way that clinicians have historically determined whether visibly intersex children should be assigned female (and subjected to feminising surgeries) or assigned male (and subjected to masculinising surgeries).

The symbol of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, in purple

Submission to the UN Committee Against Torture

OII Australia has made a submission to the UN Committee Against Torture, in relation to a national review of Australia’s work. The submission has been endorsed by the Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome Support Group Australia, People with Disability Australia and the National LGBTI Health Alliance.

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No scientific basis for current policy excluding elite intersex women from sport

The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism this month contains a report on research by the International Association of Athletics Federations’ Medical and Anti-Doping Department and Commission, and others. It states that there is “no clear scientific evidence” for current policies excluding elite intersex women athletes from competitive sport on the basis of high androgen…
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The MHS conference logo

Morgan Carpenter: Diversity & power in mental health services, addressing structural violence

Morgan Carpenter spoke at The Mental Health Services Conference in Perth this August, as part of an intersectional symposium entitled Diversity & power in mental health services, Addressing structural violence. The conference is the largest and longest running multidisciplinary mental health conference in Australasia: TheMHS Conference attracts over 1000 mental health clinicians, managers, consumers, carers/families,…
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Women athletes forced to undergo clitorectomies to compete

The British Medical Journal has today published an article on the current policies of the IOC, IAAF and FIFA, reporting that several women have recently been coerced into “partial clitoridectomies” and gonadectomies (removal of gonads) in order to compete. Partial clitoridectomies/clitorectomies are understood to be a form of Female Genital Mutilation. The authors note that…
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