Categories by subject (page 42 of 42)

the words NO D$D inside a circle with a line through them

When DSD originated

James Pate, MD has kindly provided us with the following: The first mention of “disorder of sex development” I could find was by CE Ford in 1961 (Ford CE. The cytogenetic analysis of some disorder of sex development. American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology. 82:1154-61, 1961 Nov.) Other historical terminology I found was: Disorder of…
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Photo by Karin

Karin: “Church brutality”

What can be said in the face of this? I heard many rumours about this kind of thing going on in Western Australia for years, where many Irish Christian Brothers and Sisters of Mercy, and nuns from other orders, run boarding schools. My own mother was in the care of nuns, in another state. She…
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Jessica Cadwallader: “Regulating the Sexed Body”

Dr Jessica Cadwallader of the Somatechnics Research Centre at Macquarie University has given OII Australia kind permission to provide the PDF of the paper she presented at the Regulating the Sexed Body: Circumcision, Genital Modification and Cosmetic Surgery public lecture at the University of Technology, Sydney. OII applauds Dr Cadwallader’s support for intersex people to…
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OII Australia logotype

On a third sex

The creation of any new category to be designated intersex poses several problems.

XXY, sex chromosomes

Andrology Australia study of XXY men in Australia

An email from Andrology Australia has been circulating, asking for men with Klinefelter Syndrome to take part in the study. We have emailed the above address asking if other people with XXY are also to be included in this study.

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Human rights for intersex people

Recently there has been a flurry of activity on human rights in Australia: The Human Rights Commissioner has finalized his report into same sex relationships and is in the process of finalizing his Sex & Gender Diversity report. The federal government has appointed four eminent persons to conduct community consultations on Human Rights issues and report…
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