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Journal of Bioethical Inquiry logo

Morgan Carpenter: new peer-reviewed papers on medical “normalisation” and legal “othering”

Update: The book chapter is now available freely via the author’s website We are pleased to share a current and recent peer-reviewed journal article by co-executive director Morgan Carpenter, on intersex health and human rights, and an associated book chapter. In an open access peer-reviewed journal article and a book chapter, Morgan describes contradictions where…
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AHRC launches major consultation: protecting rights in the context of medical interventions

The Australian Human Rights Commission has launched a major project to consult on protecting the human rights of people born with variations in sex characteristics in the context of medical interventions. The project is being assisted by an expert reference group that includes directors of IHRA, AISSGA and representatives of other intersex/parent-led organisations, disability and…
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My Health Record logo

My Health Records

At present, a minority of Australian have digital health records, and such records are not used routinely. As the number of people with digital records increases, it is likely that they will increasingly be used as a way of documenting and tracking our health. The implementation of the government’s national My Health Records scheme for…
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Health in Difference panel presentation

Steph Lum: panel presentation at Health in Difference

This speech was given in a panel presentation at the National LGBTI Health Alliance conference, Health in Difference, in Sydney, 12 April 2018. Good evening everyone, my name is Steph. My story is a story not often heard – it’s a story of just being a really boring everyday intersex person. Hey. Being intersex just…
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Darlington 2 retreat participants

Affirm the Darlington Statement

Following the second Australian-Aotearoa/NZ intersex advocacy retreat, we invite you and your organisations to affirm the Darlington Statement in support of intersex human rights.