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Jim Bruce for the Interface Project

No body is shameful

Advocates for Informed Choice, in the US, are auspicing a new project, the Interface Project, to gather video stories and spread the message that “No body is shameful”. Check it out!

Venn diagram showing three intersecting circles

Intersex and intersectionalities

The rights and concerns of intersex people do not simply overlap the rights and concerns of women, of LGBT people and of disabled people, we exist at the intersection between these different forms of discourse.

white orchid, close-up

Intersex Awareness Day, 2012

Intersex people are people who have physical differences of sex anatomy other than brain sex alone. Our anatomical differences might include genetic, hormonal or genital differences or differences in our reproductive parts. The first Intersex Awareness Day (IAD) came about when the American intersex group named Hermaphrodites with Attitude (HWA) teamed up with American Trans…
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OII Australia logotype

Intersex people and marriage, an analysis by Gina Wilson

In the light of debate around same sex marriage, marriage equality and the legal recognition of intersex people, Gina Wilson writes on the marriage rights of intersex people. The first thing to address is our right to marriage of any sort. When the Howard government proposed changes to the definition in the Marriage Act so…
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Gina Wilson interviewed by Beyond Blue

Gina Wilson interviewed for new BeyondBlue campaign

BeyondBlue, the national initiative on depression has launched a new LGBTI campaign, with a series of excellent videos from members of LGBTI communities. Gina Wilson, president of OII Australia, is one of those people.

OII Australia logotype

Intersex health issues 2012 – a brief summary

Please note that this document is no longer current, nor an accurate guide to the demands of intersex advocates in Australia. It has been superseded by the Malta Declaration, a Senate committee inquiry into the “Involuntary or coerced sterilisation of intersex people” and the 2017 Darlington Statement.

Intersexion movie flyer

“Intersexion” Sydney screening and Q&A with Mani Mitchell

Intersexion screened at the Red Rattler Theatre last Tuesday to a capacity crowd. We’d like to extend our thanks to our screening partners, the venue, and the amazing Mani Mitchell for the ability to show the movie, and for the Q&A session afterwards.

Caster Semenya draped in the South African flag

OII Australia congratulates Caster Semenya on her Olympic medal

We don’t know if Caster Semenya is an intersex woman or not. Despite numerous statements in the local press, we are not aware of any official public disclosure regarding her status. Nevertheless, she has faced salacious enquiry and humiliation as if she is. We salute her strength in the face of adversity, and congratulate her…
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