End of financial year appeal

Dear Supporters

OII Australia has no government funding, and no philanthropic or project support for our advocacy work. We depend on the commitment of our members, and support from the broader community, to enable us to work.

The last year has seen a major shift in awareness, understanding, and recognition:

Internally, we’ve welcomed new members and a new board, seen the retirement of our founding president, and completed 2 of our first 3 service delivery contracts. We’ve also secured Deductible Gift Recipient Status as a Public Benevolent Institution.

Make a donation

Payments using the Donate button below will be redirected to the PayPal website.

All donations of $2 or more are fully tax-deductible, and receipts will be issued in early July.

Our 2012-2013 Annual Information Statement is available to read online.

Some highlights of the year