Categories by article type (page 13 of 53)

Intersex Awareness Day 2019

Intersex Awareness Day, 2019

Saturday 26 October is Intersex Awareness Day 2019, and we’ve got events, posters, videos, memes and more for you to share. We’ll update this page regularly in the lead up to the day itself. #iad2019

YOUth & I book launch

YOUth & I youth publication launch

Youth project YOUth & I will launch its publication on Monday 28 October, 5.30-6.30pm at Smith’s Alternative in Civic, Canberra. “Entry is free! Books will be available in print for a small fee and available for free download online after this date.”

the shape of Tasmania, in purple

Submission to the Tasmanian Law Reform Institute

IHRA is generally supportive of the Tasmanian inquiry. We are very pleased that States and Territories are beginning to consider protections for the bodily integrity of children with intersex variations. However, the detail gives cause for concern.

A group of young people smiling and talking in a park

New resources for kids, youth and parents

Our friends at Reach Out Australia and Kids Helpline are updating their resources for intersex youth and parents of intersex youth. We have assisted in the creation of these resources and we strongly commend them.

The symbol of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, in purple

Shadow report submission to the UN CRPD

This report by IHRA was submitted to the UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). It was endorsed by the AIS Support Group Australia, Disabled People’s Organisations Australia and People with Disability Australia.

IHRA and GATE logos

Open call for members for international initiative on intersex depathologisation

The World Health Organization has officially launched the 11th version of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11). Intersex activists and experts, as well as allies from different academic fields, engaged with the process around ICD-11, producing submissions to WHO on general and particular diagnostic language, as well as organizing and/or attending meetings with WHO staff…
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Steph Lum, speaking at Women Deliver 2019

Steph Lum at Women Deliver 2019

In TEDx-style, Steph Lum (then IHRA co-chair) presents experiences of some intersex women, in personal relationships and accessing appropriate healthcare, at the Women Deliver 2019 conference in Vancouver.
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