Categories by article type (page 25 of 53)

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UN committee on disability issues comments on intersex

The UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities issued observations on Germany overnight, including a statement on intersex people for the first time. In doing so it referenced a previous statement by the UN Committee Against Torture, and it joins the UN Committee on Rights of the Child. The CRPD statement In Concluding…
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What it's like to be intersex - participants in the interACT Buzzfeed video

What it’s like to be intersex

“Guess which one of us has testes?” A great introductory video by Interact and Buzzfeed, in the US. It features Emily Quinn, an XY woman; Alice Alvarez; Pidgeon Pagonis, a queer, gender non-conforming intersex person; and Sean Saifa Wall, a black intersex man.

silver sachets of testosterone, photo by Morgan Carpenter

PBS policy change on testosterone

This is a submission to the Health Minister, following a reported policy change by the Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee (PBAC) restricting access to testosterone to treatment initiated by a specialist.

detail from the cover of None of the Above

“None of the Above”, by I W Gregorio

A debut novel by author, surgeon and mother I W Gregorio, “None of the Above” is an entertaining and realistic portrayal of life of an American intersex teen, aimed at other young adult readers. What if everything you knew about yourself changed in an instant? When Kristin Lattimer is voted homecoming queen, it seems like…
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horrible logo used by the Maltese government marking excellent reforms

We celebrate Maltese protections for intersex people

OII Australia joins with our European intersex and trans partner organisations in celebrating the passage of the Gender Identity Gender Expression and Sex Characteristics Act. The Act passed with cross party support, without a vote, in the small hours of this morning. This is an historic moment.

a yellow orchid flower, with orange shading

Morgan Carpenter: “intersex and ageing”

A speech given on intersex and ageing to a local NSW audience on Monday 2 February by Morgan Carpenter. It follows the 2012 publication of an intersex-inclusive national strategy for LGBTI ageing and aged care. A massive subsequent shift in terminology from LGBT to LGBTI hasn’t been matched by an increase in understanding or action.

OII Australia logotype

Global donor forum marks a shift in intersex inclusion

A global donor forum held in Washington DC in November 2014 marks a shift in intersex inclusion in work on issues affecting sexual minorities. Importantly, in both an Australian and international context, the civil society statement from the conference calls for “deliberate discussion”, “in each region and country” as to what this means. It states:…
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