Categories by article type (page 30 of 53)

detail from study flyer

Understanding the needs of older intersex people

The Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society and Val’s Café is partnering with OII Australia to understand the needs of older intersex people. This information will be used to develop educational resources to aged care service providers to improve services. If you are an intersex person resident in Australia aged 60 years or…
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cover of report on homophobia in sport

Joint statement on homophobia in sport

Joint statement by Transgender Victoria and OII Australia on the new Anti-Homphobia & Inclusion Framework for Australian Sports. We welcome Wednesday’s publication of the anti-homophobia policy, “Anti-Homophobia & Inclusion Framework For Australian Sports”. We welcome the intention to address issues facing trans and gender diverse people due to their gender identity, and intersex people due…
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Welcome! About us…

Intersex people have innate sex characteristics that don’t fit medical norms for female or male bodies. We risk stigmatisation, discrimination and harm because our bodies are seen as different.

We are a national charity by and for people with innate variations of sex characteristics. We promote health, human rights and bodily autonomy.

Parliament: an icon showing an outline of the Australian Parliament

Cross-party speeches on intersex health in the Australian Senate

In the Commonwealth Parliament tonight, senators from each of the three main parties gave extraordinary and powerful speeches. We heard clear recognition that the medical treatment of intersex people is a human rights issue, that intersex is not a disorder, and that intersex people must be heard.


Our services

Intersex Human Rights Australia (IHRA) can provide a range of services to individuals, organisations, institutions and community groups. Together with Intersex Peer Support Australia we deliver Yellow Tick training around Australia.

Both (2005)

Movie: ‘Both’ by Lisset Barcellos available on Vimeo

The movie “Both” (2005) by filmmaker Lisset Barcellos is well worth watching, and the full length movie is now available on Vimeo. Haunted by memories of her long-dead brother, a stunt double living in San Francisco discovers her sexual identity is a tissue of lies created by her parents and doctors. 86 minutes. Important: this…
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