Categories by article type (page 45 of 53)

an outline of a daisy

Anti-violence statement

OII Australia opposes the use of violence, threats or personal insults as a way of pursuing objectives, and has a duty of care towards its members.


Intersex and homophobia: a statement on IDAHOT

On the occasion of IDAHO – International Day Against Homophobia, it is pertinent to remember why intersex is a part of the LGBTIQ alliance. Intersex individuals generally have a sexual orientation, however it is more likely to be perceived as heterosexual than same sex. We also have a gender identity, however that generally appears to…
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Intersex and the Sex Files: good for trans*, bad for intersex

OII Australia supports trans people in their call for human rights, in the same way we support all LGBTI peoples and other marginalized minorities. Sometimes, however, rights called for by one minority group can disadvantage another unless close strategic alliances are maintained so that proposed changes to the law do not accidentally impinge on rights….
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a newspaper

Intersex refugees not included in any nation’s refugee policies

Our thoughts have recently been on the possible fate of our friends and allies in African nations where homophobic persecution is rife. Intersex people living in countries with homophobic laws and practices face the death penalty simply for being born different. In some African nations intersex newborns are known to be killed as a matter…
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detail of the event poster

Phoebe Hart’s “Orchids: My Intersex Adventure” comes to Sydney

BRISBANE documentary-maker Phoebe Hart’s long-awaited film Orchids: My Intersex Adventure will show in Sydney on Wednesday 23rd February 2011 at 7pm at the Dendy cinema in Newtown. Orchids is being shown as part of the 2011 New Mardi Gras Film Festival, Sydney’s premier event for film-goers wishing to see features and documentaries made on LGBTQI-related…
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The Yogyakarta Principles and intersex people

The 2006 Yogyakarta Principles on the application of international human rights law in relation to sexual orientation and gender identity are an important development, primarily furthering the rights of LGBT people, but with a crucial principle of particular interest to intersex people. Principle 1: The Right to the Universal Enjoyment of Human Rights All human…
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