Categories by article type (page 46 of 53)

National LGBT Health Alliance

OII Australia Joins National LGBT Health Alliance

We are pleased to announce that we have joined the National LGBT Health Alliance. I’m very pleased to confirm that your application for Full Membership of the National LGBT Health Alliance has been approved by the Board of Directors. The National LGBT Health Alliance is a member-based organisation, providing a framework for members to work…
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a newspaper

Sydney Morning Herald: “‘Anti-lesbian’ treatment”

The original article that the two Australian-published versions of this story is from the LA Times newspaper and was written by LA Times journalist Shari Roan. The article was titled Medical treatment carries possible side effect of limiting homosexuality and it was published on Sunday 15th August 2010. The original article quotes Alice Dreger, Ken…
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Bodies in Doubt

In 2009 Dr Reis’s book, Bodies in Doubt: An American History of Intersex, examined the cultural contexts that both inform and drive western medicine’s attitudes and responses to intersex bodies. Beginning with the profound homophobia of the 19th through to the 21st centuries, to the taboo topic of neo-vaginal dilation, Reis challenged standard medical practices…
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Michael Noble

Michael Noble: I am me and I am OK

Michael Noble wrote and presented this biography at the Gay and Lesbian Feast Festival, Adelaide, South Australia in 2002. He subsequently revised it for publication here.

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Wei Ling Lean, Melbourne Medical School: “Anatomical and cosmetic outcomes of feminizing genital surgery for intersex disorders”

This report focuses on the cosmetic outcomes of non-consensual cosmetic genital surgery performed on infants. OII Australia regards such surgeries as reprehensible, and wishes to see them cease. From the abstract: Issues of childhood genital surgery in individuals with genital ambiguity remain controversial. Poor results reported in some centres triggered questioning of the appropriateness of…
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Alice Dreger in Psychology Today: “Can You Hear Us Now?: Is it ethical for doctors to stimulate little girls’ clitorises?”

Professor Alice Dreger writes in Psychology Today’s blog, “Fetishes I Don’t Get”: In a brief article entitled “Bad Vibrations” just posted at the Hastings Center’s Bioethics Forum, my colleague Ellen Feder and I express our shock over the follow-up techniques being used by pediatric urologist Dix Poppas at Weill Medical College of Cornell University on…
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Venn diagram showing three intersecting circles

Intersex people and intersectionality

The rights and concerns of intersex people overlap and intersect with the rights and concerns of women, LGBT people, and disabled and racialised peoples.