Categories by subject (page 15 of 42)

Rainbow votes coalition member logos

Rainbow Votes: intersex issues in the federal election

OII Australia and eight partner organisations collaborated in Rainbow Votes, coordinated by Corey Irlam. The Rainbow Votes coalition appreciates the comprehensive responses by the Australian Greens, Australian Labor Party and Liberal National Coalition to our 2016 LGBTI election survey. Members of the Rainbow Votes coalition of LGBTI rights and health organisations have assessed the content…
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Asia Pacific Forum guide on SOGI and intersex human rights

Overnight, the Asia Pacific Forum of National Human Rights Institutions has published an important guide to promoting and protecting human rights on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity and sex characteristics. The guide was written by Chris Sidoti and Jack Byrne. The Australian Human Rights Commission is a member of the Asia Pacific Forum,…
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detail from photo of event

Stories of Intersex people from Nepal

Congratulations to Esan Regmi, Parsu Ram Rai, and Jensen Byrne for the publication of Stories of Intersex people from Nepal, today. The stories in this book are based upon the writings of intersex participants at the First Intersex National Meeting in Nepal, held on 8-9 February 2016 in Kathmandu. The meeting took place with support…
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Silent Tears project

The Silent Tears project

OII Australia board member Candice participated in the Silent Tears project this year. The multimedia exhibition by Belinda Mason, with Denise Beckwith, Dieter Knierim and Margherita Coppolino, reveals the lived experience of “20 women with disability who were subjected to violence and women with disability who have acquired disability as a result of violence”. Belinda…
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Amanda Saenz and Bailey De young

Celebrating intersex firsts on TV

The MTV series “Faking It” is smashing records when it comes to intersex representation in the media. Historically, fictional TV and film representations have typically presented intersex people as either murderers, medical dilemmas or a prop for malicious rumours. Accurate and positive representations are rare, so Faking It marks a very significant shift, and we’d…
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kids in a school ground, with the words 'STAND OUT' superimposed in front

We support the Safe Schools Coalition Australia

Intersex students exist in every school and education institution. Many of us are same sex attracted. Many of us are heterosexual. Some of us may transition gender, while many of us identify with our sex assigned at birth. Just like non-intersex people. To this extent, actions to promote respect for same sex attracted and gender…
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New publication “Intersex: Stories and Statistics from Australia”

We announce that the 2015 survey of people born with atypical sex characteristics has now been published. This survey was an independent research project led by Dr Tiffany Jones. The book has been peer reviewed and published by an academic publisher, Open Book Publishers. The strong team of co-authors includes a reference group of community…
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London Olympics photo by Farrukh

IOC policy: no change for athletes with intersex traits

In the past few weeks, new IOC policy positions on both gender identity and sex characteristics have been published. The statements have received widespread media coverage, focused mostly on improved (albeit imperfect) access to competition for trans athletes. The IOC “consensus meeting” policy paper is dated November 2015, and it contains two statements, one entitled…
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Advance notice: “Intersex: Stories and Statistics from Australia”

In February, a report of last year’s survey of people born with congenital atypical sex characteristics will be published. 272 people with atypical sex characteristics responded to the survey, enabling a comprehensive analysis in the largest study of intersex Australians yet conducted. It will be entitled “Intersex: Stories and Statistics from Australia” and the authors…
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