Categories by subject (page 22 of 42)

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Women athletes forced to undergo clitorectomies to compete

The British Medical Journal has today published an article on the current policies of the IOC, IAAF and FIFA, reporting that several women have recently been coerced into “partial clitoridectomies” and gonadectomies (removal of gonads) in order to compete. Partial clitoridectomies/clitorectomies are understood to be a form of Female Genital Mutilation. The authors note that…
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detail from study flyer

Understanding the needs of older intersex people

The Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society and Val’s Café is partnering with OII Australia to understand the needs of older intersex people. This information will be used to develop educational resources to aged care service providers to improve services. If you are an intersex person resident in Australia aged 60 years or…
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AMSA logo

Position statement by the Australian Medical Students’ Association

The Australian Medical Students’ Association has adopted a new policy document entitled “Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer (LGBTIQ) health policy“. OII Australia welcomes this statement, which we hope will have an impact on practices and accreditation standards for medical schools. AMSA is the “peak representative body of Australia’s medical students”. The policy statement…
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cover of report on homophobia in sport

Joint statement on homophobia in sport

Joint statement by Transgender Victoria and OII Australia on the new Anti-Homphobia & Inclusion Framework for Australian Sports. We welcome Wednesday’s publication of the anti-homophobia policy, “Anti-Homophobia & Inclusion Framework For Australian Sports”. We welcome the intention to address issues facing trans and gender diverse people due to their gender identity, and intersex people due…
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Parliament: an icon showing an outline of the Australian Parliament

Cross-party speeches on intersex health in the Australian Senate

In the Commonwealth Parliament tonight, senators from each of the three main parties gave extraordinary and powerful speeches. We heard clear recognition that the medical treatment of intersex people is a human rights issue, that intersex is not a disorder, and that intersex people must be heard.

the shape of ACT, in purple

Birth registrations in ACT

We acknowledge the constructive intent of the ACT government in reforming Births, Deaths and Marriages legislation today. We warmly welcome the increase in time limit for registration of a birth, and the likely absence of any necessity for clinical treatment for intersex people who may wish to change classification. We welcome the naming of a…
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Community consultation forum for parents, Victoria Department of Health

Victoria Department of Health is holding a consultation forum for parents of children with intersex variations. There’s no reason why parents of intersex adults (particularly young adults) shouldn’t attend the consultation – your perspective and hindsight may even be helpful. From the Department: Based on feedback from community support organisations and other stakeholders, the Victorian…
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New publication: Torture in Healthcare Settings

The Center for Human Rights and Humanitarian Law at the Washington College of Law has just published an important new book, Torture in Healthcare Settings: Reflections on the Special Rapporteur on Torture’s 2013 Thematic Report. The book contains a chapter on intersex issues, beginning on page 91, authored by Anne Tamar-Mattis of Advocates for Informed…
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Holly Greenberry speaking to the Human Rights Council

Human rights: first intersex-led discussions at the UN Human Rights Council

On Monday 10 March at the United Nations Human Rights Council, Holly Greenberry spoke on intersex issues on behalf of a group of intersex organisations. Holly also thanked the Special Rapporteur on torture, and the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders on our behalf. Statement to the Human Rights Council Watch Holly…
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