Categories by subject (page 24 of 42)

a baby on a yellow background

Revised policy on identification documents

Read about bodily integrity, and eliminating harmful practices Read about eugenics, prenatal screening and elimination Read about discrimination, and stigma Read about identification documents, sex and gender Important note: this paper should not be regarded as a guide to our current policy on identification documents. Our approaches have been informed by community-building and evidence-building, and…
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GNN logo

Gay News Network: We must put an end to normalising surgery

Gay News Network has kindly published an opinion piece by OII Australia president Morgan Carpenter: While it may not be foremost in the minds of many gay men, the clitoris is the only part of any human body that’s purely designed for pleasure. But is too much of a good thing a bad thing? Research…
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OII Australia logotype

Open birth sex assignments do not reduce surgical interventions

Blank or indeterminate classifications on infant’s birth certificates do not, alone, reduce the likelihood of surgical interventions. This might seem like a non sequitur, but it turns out to be fundamentally important because many people do argue that moves in Germany to establish similarly open sex assignment polices for some intersex infants at birth will…
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a pink and white orchid, close up view

Intersex Awareness Day, 2013

Here are this year’s Intersex Awareness Day words, by Morgan Carpenter, OII Australia president.

Orchid with buds

Council of Europe adopts resolution on children’s right to physical integrity

Overnight Australian time, the Council of Europe, a 47-member country institution that overseas human rights, pharma and many other issues across those countries, adopted a resolution on the protection of children’s rights to physical integrity. A “provisional” version of Resolution 1952 (2013) showing “Text adopted by the Assembly on 1 October 2013” includes a specific…
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On the number of intersex people: four calculator symbols

Intersex population figures

There are no firm population figures for people with intersex variations, due to stigma, misconceptions, lack of accurate recording of data, arbitrary definitions, and ideological values.