Categories by subject (page 30 of 42)

OII Australia logotype

“Sex and Gender Diverse” discussion paper on terminology

This paper was updated in September 2013, with a new final “impact” section that reflects the discontinuation of “SGD” and “DSG” terminology by the National LGBTI Health Alliance and many other organisations. We recommend browsing the Videos, Audio and Personal Stories sections of this website to gain familiarity with the diversity of intersex identities, genders,…
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The Age: “Calls to change rights law bill”

Dan Harrison, Health and Indigenous Affairs Correspondent for Fairfax writes in The Age today on the proposed Human Rights and Anti-Discrimination Bill, quoting our submission: In its submission the Organisation Intersex International Australia said stronger protections were needed for intersex people. The bill introduces the first federal protections against discrimination on the grounds of sexuality…
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Morgan Holmes on “Locating Third Sexes”

In the journal Transformations, Morgan Holmes writes about a third sex or gender. Morgan Holmes approaches the subject as a scholar and an intersex person; she was formerly a member of ISNA and is now an assistant professor of sociology at Wilfrid Laurier University in Ontario, Canada. The paper is recommended reading for people interested…
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Second International Intersex Forum concludes with seven demands

The second International Intersex Forum has just concluded in Stockholm, with an affirmation of seven key demands and priorities for intersex people. Kindly organised by the European branch of the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association, ILGA Europe, the event was only the second ever international intersex gathering. Gina Wilson from OII Australia…
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Ground-breaking Swiss report on infant surgery, a review

Earlier this month, the Swiss National Advisory Commission on Biomedical Ethics published an opinion document, On the management of differences of sex development, Ethical issues relating to “intersexuality”. Copies are available via the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health in English. This is a brief review of the key points in that position document. Our…
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First thoughts on the federal anti-discrimination proposals

OII Australia was disappointed but not surprised that intersex was not specifically included in the recently released Anti-Discrimination Consolidation Bill. From the exposure draft, page 15: Section 6 of the proposed bill includes the following definition: gender identity means: (a) the identification, on a genuine basis, by a person of one sex as a member…
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Intersex for allies

How can you act as an ally to intersex people? This page contains introductory information and video resources.

logo of Advocates for Informed Choice

Anne Tamar-Mattis: “The silent majority”

Anne Tamar-Mattis of Advocates for Informed Choice in the US has a guest post at Psychology Today on the “real silent majority”: There’s a theory floating around the world of medicine that goes like this: while it is widely known that patients with disorders of sex development (DSD) are unhappy with the treatment they have…
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