Categories by subject (page 39 of 42)

a tick mark inside a shield

The National Police Certificate (NPC) check as it is carried out in Queensland

Discussion with representatives of the Queensland police service. Dear Amanda Please find attached recent correspondence between Organisation Intersex International and Assistant Commissioner Paul Stewart. There are a couple of things I seek clarity on: Is an agency able to request a police check without the individual in question knowing? Are third parties able to request…
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London Olympics photo by Farrukh

OII petition to International Olympic Committee regarding intersex athletes

WE, the undersigned, support the members of the Organisation Intersex International, in their demands that: The International Olympic Committee (IOC) abandon its demands that female athletes with intersex variations have their variations diagnosed and treated. The IOC allow the above mentioned athletes, known as intersex women, to compete as females without having to undergo diagnosis…
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an open eye

Emi Koyama at Bioethics Forum: “Why I am Suspicious of Bioethics”

Although OII Australia does not favour the use of “condition” in connection with intersex; this article encapsulates the problems of intersex ‘normalization’ and especially the chemical ‘normalization’ of unborn children. I fear that the campaign to hold the main propagator of the dexamethasone treatment accountable would, if not accompanied by sustained challenges to more fundamental…
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announcement - icon of a megaphone Letter of Concern From Bioethicists

The following letter has been sent to: the FDA Office of Pediatric Therapeutics; the HHS Office for Human Research Protections; Mount Sinai Medical Center (Dr. New’s current institution); Weill Medical School of Cornell University (from which much of this treatment appears to have been administered, under Dr. New’s guidance); Florida International University (where Dr. New…
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Chris Somers XXY, self portrait, 2013

Chris Somers xxy, Tracy Reibel and David Whyatt: Intersex and androgyny and implications for provision of primary health care

Chris Somers xxy (vice-president of OII Australia) and colleagues present an analysis of intersex issues for primary healthcare providers. Chris Somers xxy is a national and international intersex activist with a M.Ed. By Research (UWA); concerning Androgyny; B.Ed. (Melb); Hons Dip Creative Photography (Trent Polytechnic now Trent University, UK); who has worked in a number…
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detail from cover image

Katrina Karkazis, “Fixing Sex” (recommended reading)

Published in November 2008, Fixing Sex: Intersex, Medical Authority, and Lived Experience by Katrina Karkazis is compelling and recommended reading. Meticulously researched and approachable in style, it presents a historical analysis of the treatment of intersex people, together with an analysis of both current medical practice and the impact on intersex people and our families….
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quotation by Warren

Patricia Nell Warren: “The IOC and gender inquisition”

Opinion piece by Patricia Nell Warren, reprinted with kind permission from the author. While the IAAF has been backing and filling on the Caster Semenya case, many of us have been waiting for the IOC shoe to drop. Yesterday the shoe dropped. In Miami Beach, a panel of so-called “experts” convened by the IOC and…
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