Intersex Awareness Day, 2019
Saturday 26 October is Intersex Awareness Day 2019, and we’ve got events, posters, videos, memes and more for you to share. We’ll update this page regularly in the lead up to the day itself. #iad2019
These pages present public submissions, events and other materials relevant to ACT. Please also review our policy briefings.
Saturday 26 October is Intersex Awareness Day 2019, and we’ve got events, posters, videos, memes and more for you to share. We’ll update this page regularly in the lead up to the day itself. #iad2019
Youth project YOUth & I will launch its publication on Monday 28 October, 5.30-6.30pm at Smith’s Alternative in Civic, Canberra. “Entry is free! Books will be available in print for a small fee and available for free download online after this date.”
YOUth & I calls for submission by young intersex people to share their own stories, short essays, reflections, poems, cartoons, drawings, and more.
In TEDx-style, Steph Lum (then IHRA co-chair) presents experiences of some intersex women, in personal relationships and accessing appropriate healthcare, at the Women Deliver 2019 conference in Vancouver.
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Steph Lum has won a prize for the poem “Intersex self-love”, in the Canberra SpringOut essay competition. Congratulations, Steph! Here’s the poem in its entirety.
On Intersex Awareness Day, a consortium of intersex-led and allied organisations will proudly announce the recipient of the first annual Darlington intersex ally award, the Darling. It will be presented to an organisation, institution or individual that demonstrates a commitment to action on intersex human rights beyond affirming the Darlington Statement.
Steph Lum gave this speech to the Inclusive Canberra think tank, held by the ACT LGBTIQ Ministerial Advisory Council, on 14 November 2017. Tonight I am speaking as a young person with an intersex variation. I’m really encouraged that we have such a positive environment here in the ACT and there’s a lot of energy…
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Intersex Awareness Day events will take place across multiple capital cities in Australia this year, including Brisbane, Canberra, Melbourne, and Sydney. They include music, film screenings, talks and discussions.
For a complete overview on issues relating to intersex people in sport, read our briefing paper on sport The ACT Human Rights Commission has published a guide to the inclusion of transgender and intersex people in sport. Unfortunately, the guide homogenises intersex and transgender populations in a way that both makes intersex inclusion far more…
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We acknowledge the constructive intent of the ACT government in reforming Births, Deaths and Marriages legislation today. We warmly welcome the increase in time limit for registration of a birth, and the likely absence of any necessity for clinical treatment for intersex people who may wish to change classification. We welcome the naming of a…
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Congratulations to the ACT government for today tabling their Marriage Equality Bill! The Bill is very inclusive: it permits everyone not covered under the Commonwealth Marriage Act to get married, so couples that are not comprised of “a man and a woman to the exclusion of all others” will be able to get married (and…
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The government of the Australian Capital Territory has published its response to “Beyond the Binary”, a report on legal recognition of “sex and gender diversity” in the jurisdiction. We express serious and fundamental concerns.
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