Queensland (page 1 of 2)

These pages present public submissions, events and other materials relevant to Queensland. Please also review our policy briefings.

the shape of Queensland, in purple

Response to development of a Queensland Trauma Strategy

Our submission on the development of the Queensland Trauma Strategy, focusing on intersex-specific experiences of trauma, and the omission of discussion of these experiences from materials produced on trauma in LGBTQIA+SB populations.


Positive developments to end the year

In the last two weeks, we’ve welcomed three significant and positive developments to end the year, in the Commonwealth Parliament, in the Northern Territory and in Queensland.

Intersex Awareness Day 2019

Intersex Awareness Day, 2019

Saturday 26 October is Intersex Awareness Day 2019, and we’ve got events, posters, videos, memes and more for you to share. We’ll update this page regularly in the lead up to the day itself. #iad2019

Aboriginal, Intersex and Australian flags flying in Altona on Intersex Awareness Day, 2018

Intersex Awareness Day, 2018

On the 22nd anniversary of a demonstration by ‘Hermaphrodites with Attitude’ and allies outside a paediatrics conference, from which intersex advocates had been excluded, we mark the day with flag raising, parliamentary meetings, bridge lighting and a call to end forced medical interventions on intersex people.

Brisbane's Story Bridge lit for Intersex Awareness Day

Intersex Awareness Day, 2017

26 October is intersex awareness day, and events are taking place in multiple capital cities across Australia, and in cities elsewhere, all around the world. These hopefully provide a chance for individuals to find out more about intersex people, our lives, and the human rights issues we face. The last year has been both exciting…
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