All news (page 13 of 59)

IHRA and GATE logos

Open call for members for international initiative on intersex depathologisation

The World Health Organization has officially launched the 11th version of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11). Intersex activists and experts, as well as allies from different academic fields, engaged with the process around ICD-11, producing submissions to WHO on general and particular diagnostic language, as well as organizing and/or attending meetings with WHO staff…
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Two orchid flowers

Joint statement to the Congregation for Catholic Education

Joint Statement on “Male and Female He Created Them”, Towards a Path of Dialogue on the Question of Gender Theory in Education, by the Congregation for Catholic Education / Declaración conjunta sobre “Varón y mujer los creó” para una vía de diálogo sobre la cuestión de la teoría del género en la educación, por la Congregación para la Educación Católica / Dichiarazione congiunta su «Maschio e femmina li creò» Per una via di dialogo sulla questione del gender nell’educazione della Congregazione per l’educazione Cattolica.

Steph Lum, speaking at Women Deliver 2019

Steph Lum at Women Deliver 2019

In TEDx-style, Steph Lum (then IHRA co-chair) presents experiences of some intersex women, in personal relationships and accessing appropriate healthcare, at the Women Deliver 2019 conference in Vancouver.
English / español / polski / русский

World Health Organization logo

Joint statement on the International Classification of Diseases 11

Declaración conjunta sobre la Clasificación Internacional de Enfermedades 11 / Совместное заявление о Международной классификации болезней 11 / Déclaration commune sur la Classification Internationale des Maladies 11 / 關於針對國際疾病分類第11版(ICD-11)的聯合聲明 / 关于针对国际疾病分类第11版(ICD-11)的联合声明

World Health Organization logo

Media statement – International Classification of Diseases 11 and intersex people

More than 50 intersex-led organisations and groups from every region of the world have signed a joint statement to the World Health Organization condemning the repathologisation of intersex variations as “disorders of sex development” in the WHO International Classification of Diseases 11 (ICD-11), and medical classifications that promote early surgical intervention to “fix” intersex bodies….
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IDAHOBIT logotype, white text on black

IDAHOBIT statement, 2019

Today is International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, Biphobia and, in recent years, discrimination against intersex people. The event marks the anniversary of the partial depathologisation of homosexuality by the World Health Organisation, that is, the removal of homosexuality from the International Classification of Diseases. We recognise the importance of this event to people who are…
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The unrelenting gaze

CAS decision on Caster Semenya: This is what injustice looks like

The Court of Arbitration for Sport has issued a press release outlining a majority decision against Caster Semenya and Athletics South Africa in their case with the IAAF. Caster Semenya is a Black South African cisgender woman, born with a variation of sex characteristics, seeking to compete in the sex category she was assigned at…
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