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detail from cover image

Katrina Karkazis, “Fixing Sex” (recommended reading)

Published in November 2008, Fixing Sex: Intersex, Medical Authority, and Lived Experience by Katrina Karkazis is compelling and recommended reading. Meticulously researched and approachable in style, it presents a historical analysis of the treatment of intersex people, together with an analysis of both current medical practice and the impact on intersex people and our families….
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quotation by Warren

Patricia Nell Warren: “The IOC and gender inquisition”

Opinion piece by Patricia Nell Warren, reprinted with kind permission from the author. While the IAAF has been backing and filling on the Caster Semenya case, many of us have been waiting for the IOC shoe to drop. Yesterday the shoe dropped. In Miami Beach, a panel of so-called “experts” convened by the IOC and…
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a chat bubble containing two lines

What human rights are affected by early medical intervention?

What human rights are affected by early medical interventions aimed at “normalising” the bodies of intersex infants, children and adolescents? The Yogyakarta Principles In particular Principle 18: B: Take all necessary legislative, administrative and other measures to ensure that no child’s body is irreversibly altered by medical procedures in an attempt to impose a gender…
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poster reading "I support equality & human rights for all my intersex family and friends."

I support intersex equality

Poster “I support equality & human rights for all my intersex family & friends.” Tap the image to download a resizable PDF poster.


London Telegraph: “IAAF offers to pay for Caster Semenya’s gender surgery if she fails verification test”

Disturbing news in the London Telegraph: The International Association of Athletics Federations has offered to pay Caster Semenya’s medical expenses should she require gender surgery or other treatment to continue competing as a woman. The IAAF is still awaiting the final results of the gender verification test carried out on the South African teenager during…
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detail from the 2009 annual report

NSW Anti-Discrimination Board (NSW ADB) Annual Report 2008-2009 Released

The Anti-Discrimination Board’s 2008-2009 Annual Report has been published. On page 27 it includes a blunt assessment of the lack of protection for intersex people anywhere in Australia: Intersex discrimination – intersex people are not protected against discrimination anywhere in Australia External link: ADB Annual Report 2008-2009