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Safe Schools Coalition symposium image: 3 school kids looking at an iPad

Safe Schools Coalition Symposium

Morgan Carpenter will run a workshop on intersex inclusion at the 2015 National Safe Schools Symposium on Thursday 30 July in Sydney. The event takes place at The Refectory (Main Hall), Holme Building, in the University of Sydney.


AISSGA annual conference

The Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome Support Group Australia is holding its annual conference in Brisbane on 8-9 August this year. Here’s the open invitation by AISSGA president Bonnie Hart: The AISSGA is a peer-based, not-for-profit support group for people with an intersex variation or who have someone who is intersex in their family.  2015 National…
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Resilient Individuals

Human Rights Commissioner: Bodily autonomy is basic human right

The Australian Human Rights Commissioner launched the Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Intersex Rights report today, “Resilient Individuals”. It notes continuing forced surgical interventions on intersex people, and calls for implementation of the Senate committee report, Involuntary or coerced sterilisation of intersex people in Australia.

The symbol of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, in purple

UN report condemns violence against LGBT and intersex people

Overnight, the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights has issued a new report, “Discrimination and violence against individuals based on their sexual orientation and gender identity”, A/HRC/29/23, which includes detailed reference to intersex and other LGBTI persons. OII Australia warmly welcomes this report, which for the first time calls for an…
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Bonnie Hart

Bonnie Hart talks about intersex

Bonnie Hart, artist and president of AISSGA, speaks about intersex in this beautiful short video, as part of the QLives project.

Tony Briffa for the Star Observer

Tony Briffa on “coming out” as intersex

“Coming out” means something different for people with intersex variations, in contrast to the experience of LGB and trans/gender diverse people. Here’s Tony Briffa in the Star Observer.

OII Australia logotype

Submission on Labor’s Draft National Platform

We made a submission on the Labor Party’s Draft National Platform earlier in May this year, covering a wide variety of recommendations on health, human rights, and identification documents. The Conference is a triennial event.

detail of cover image

Council of Europe on “Human rights and intersex people”

We warmly congratulate the Council of Europe, Commissioner for Human Rights Nils Muižnieks, and report author Silvan Agius for a landmark report on the human rights of people with intersex variations. The report contains 8 clear and simple recommendations, and strong analysis. Binary classifications of sex and gender are omnipresent in our society and inform…
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UNE logo for 2015 survey

Survey of intersex Australians commences!

Folks at the University of New England, OII Australia, the AISSGA, and the National LGBTI Health Alliance have collaborated to create a detailed initial study of the circumstances, histories and needs of people born with atypical sex characteristics. The project has a joint reference group with community involvement. We’re sure that there imperfections, but we’re…
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OII Australia logotype

Five years of the not-for-profit company

Five years ago today, Organisation Intersex International Australia Limited was officially registered by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission as a not-for-profit company.