Categories by article type (page 35 of 53)

Bonnie Hart, Stitch in Time

“Stitch in time”, Sydney, 19 July

Presentation of the intersex body existing within universally accepted time and emotional space. Exploring the historical medical treatment of intersex bodies, this expanded cinema work will use multiple film projections into space and directly onto the artist’s body. The artist’s body performs a ‘reality intervention’ to the projected image. Identification and Identity evolving from past…
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circle flag on a flagpole

An intersex flag

We have struggled with symbols used to denote intersex people, so Morgan created one that is free for the world to use.

Parliament: an icon showing an outline of the Australian Parliament

New, fourth, submission on involuntary sterilisation

We have made a fourth submission to the Senate Inquiry on involuntary or coerced sterilisation. It follows a submission by the Australasian Paediatric Endocrine Group, a feature article in The Age, and new developments in Europe and the US.

Links: a node linking to other nodes


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LGBTI groups welcome the passage of “historic” national discrimination laws

Download this press release as a PDF For immediate release: Wednesday 26th June 2013 Press Contacts: Gina Wilson, Organisation Intersex International (OII) Australia, 0418 290 336 Justin Koonin, NSW Gay & Lesbian Rights Lobby,0414 269 339 Sally Goldner, Transgender Victoria, 0407 946 242 Peter Hyndal, A Gender Agenda, 0408 111 410 Anna Brown, Victorian Gay…
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OII Australia logotype

On the historic passing of the Sex Discrimination Amendment (Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Intersex Status) Act 2013

OII Australia is relieved and excited at the passing of the Sex Discrimination Amendment (Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Intersex Status) Bill 2013, without a vote at 8:30pm, AEST. For the first time in Australia, and for the first time internationally, intersex people are recognised fully and authentically in anti-discrimination legislation. Intersex people are born…
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AFP: Australia embraces new gender guidelines

Morgan Carpenter, OII Australia secretary, is quoted in this syndicated AFP article by Madeleine Coorey about the new federal guidelines for recognition of sex and gender.

Parliament: an icon showing an outline of the Australian Parliament

Third submission to Senate Inquiry on involuntary sterilisation

OII Australia has made a third submission to the Senate Inquiry on involuntary and coerced sterilisation, focusing on female genital mutilation, the M.C. case in the US, and other investigations into the medical ‘normalisation’ of intersex people.

Parliament: an icon showing an outline of the Australian Parliament

The House of Representations passes an inclusive Sex Discrimination Amendment

The House of Representatives today passed the Sex Discrimination Amendment (Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Intersex Status) Bill 2013. The Bill remains the subject of a Senate Inquiry, which will report on 17 June 2013. The Bill adds the following attributes to protection measures in the Sex Discrimination Act: 7 Subsection 4 (1) Insert: intersex…
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detail from the cover of Golden Boy

“Golden Boy”, by Abigail Tarttelin

I loved this book. It vividly captures the effects of secrecy and shame on an intersex adolescent, and a family in crisis. It’s compassionately and beautifully written, from the perspective of six key characters: Max the protagonist, his brother, parents, doctor and friend. Unlike Jeffrey Eugenides’s Middlesex, which manages to convey the impression that intersex…
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