Categories by article type (page 44 of 53)

OII Australia founding president, Gina Wilson

Gina Wilson of OII Australia announces The 14 Days of Intersex at StarOnline

OII Australia president, Gina Wilson, has announced The Fourteen Days of Intersex at online LGBTQI publication StarOnline. The Fourteen Days commences on 26th October and extends for a total of 14 days inclusive, coming to a close on 8th November. The Intersex Day of Awareness (IDA) opens The Fourteen Days of Intersex on October 26. The intersex fortnight closes with…
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a movie play button

“SPORK”: how to normalize intersex

Here’s a positive example of normalisation: a director who writes an intersex character successfully and in a positive way, in a comedy movie. Spork – from the North American equivalent of the Splayd, “not a spoon, not a fork, but both, a Spork” – is lead character in an “age-old coming of age tale of fitting in…
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Identification document

Breakthrough: XXY researchers acknowledge not all XXY people are male

Researchers at a cluster of Melbourne medical institutes, hospitals and universities have acknowledged in a letter to the editor of the International Journal of Andrology, The Official Journal of the European Academy of Andrology, that not all people with the XXY karyotype are male and that some may be female and some may be intersex….
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detail from cover image

Morgan Holmes, “Critical Intersex” (recommended reading)

Critical Intersex by Morgan Holmes is not cheap, but it’s a recommended read. From the publishers’ description: To date, intersex studies has not received the scholarly attention it deserves as research in this area has been centred around certain key questions, scholars and geographical regions. Exploring previously neglected territories, this book broadens the scope of…
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Chris Somers XXY, self portrait, 2013

Chris Somers: “The fear amongst medicine and its allies of intersex people potentially gaining human rights”

There appears to be an abject fear of allowing intersex people any rights whatsoever. More specifically, an alarming number of medical, allied personnel and others deliberately place blinkers upon themselves. What they are afraid of is any peripheral vision lest they see the clear scientific findings about a human reality that really does exist. There…
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Hospital - stock photo courtesy of Freepik

World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) pathologizes intersex people in its Standards of Care, version 7

Re: The World Professional Association for Transgender Health: Standards of Care for the Health of Transsexual, Transgender, and Gender Nonconforming People, 7th version, In an act of breathtaking hypocrisy the World Professional Association of Transgender Health (WPATH) has released pathologizing guidelines for the treatment of intersex children and adults who reject their birth assignments. WPATH…
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announcement - icon of a megaphone

First ever international intersex forum agrees common platform

The world’s first International Intersex Organising Forum took place in Brussels between 3-5 September 2011. The historic event brought together 24 activists representing 17 intersex organisations from all continents and agreed a common platform.

marriage equality rally participants

Rally for marriage equality rally in Sydney, 13 August

We have published some photographs from last Saturday’s rally for marriage equality in Sydney. Members of OII Australia often choose to attend these events because intersex people do not have the equal right to marriage in Australia under the amendments to the Marriage Act 1961. Although we did not contribute a speech on the lack…
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Intersexion movie flyer

Video: Intersex documentary “Intersexion”

Long awaited documentary about the experiences of a number of intersex people around the world, Intersexion, was made for New Zealand television broadcaster TV One by Grant Lahood with the assistance of Wellington-resident intersex activist and counsellor Mani Bruce Mitchell.