Categories by article type (page 47 of 53)

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Alice Dreger in Psychology Today: “Can You Hear Us Now?: Is it ethical for doctors to stimulate little girls’ clitorises?”

Professor Alice Dreger writes in Psychology Today’s blog, “Fetishes I Don’t Get”: In a brief article entitled “Bad Vibrations” just posted at the Hastings Center’s Bioethics Forum, my colleague Ellen Feder and I express our shock over the follow-up techniques being used by pediatric urologist Dix Poppas at Weill Medical College of Cornell University on…
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Venn diagram showing three intersecting circles

Intersex people and intersectionality

The rights and concerns of intersex people overlap and intersect with the rights and concerns of women, LGBT people, and disabled and racialised peoples.

OII Australia logotype

Position statement on genital cutting

Intersex refers to atypical internal and/or external anatomical sexual characteristics, where features usually regarded as male or female may be mixed to some degree. This is a naturally occurring variation in humans.

Photo by Karin

Karin: “Conformity’s never-ending war against diversity”

The past is another country and it can be a savage, brutal place. No matter how bad things may be now for intersex and other biological nonconformists, in the past they were immeasurably worse. I was reminded of this when chatting with a woman who had rejected the sex she was assigned at birth and…
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a newspaper

Sydney Morning Herald: “Sexless in the city: a gender revolution”

Trans person Norrie is in the news: A spokeswoman for the Attorney-General’s department confirmed it was the first such certificate to state non-specified gender, and that even intersex children have their sex determined within weeks of birth. A Catholic ethicist, Nicholas Tonti-Filippini from the John Paul II Institute, said birth certificates should also record no…
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OII Australia founding president, Gina Wilson

Gina Wilson: Sexism is the Issue with the IOC

THE issue with the IOC – International Olympic Committee – is sexism and every woman should be outraged. Why? Physical advantage Every gold medallist since the beginning of the modern Olympics, and most likely those in the old Olympics has a physical advantage over his competitors. The underlying prejudice in the current situation is that…
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