Health and medical ethics (page 12 of 18)

For an introduction to these issues, see our page on bodily integrity

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Position statement by the Australian Medical Students’ Association

The Australian Medical Students’ Association has adopted a new policy document entitled “Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer (LGBTIQ) health policy“. OII Australia welcomes this statement, which we hope will have an impact on practices and accreditation standards for medical schools. AMSA is the “peak representative body of Australia’s medical students”. The policy statement…
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Cross-party speeches on intersex health in the Australian Senate

In the Commonwealth Parliament tonight, senators from each of the three main parties gave extraordinary and powerful speeches. We heard clear recognition that the medical treatment of intersex people is a human rights issue, that intersex is not a disorder, and that intersex people must be heard.

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New publication: Torture in Healthcare Settings

The Center for Human Rights and Humanitarian Law at the Washington College of Law has just published an important new book, Torture in Healthcare Settings: Reflections on the Special Rapporteur on Torture’s 2013 Thematic Report. The book contains a chapter on intersex issues, beginning on page 91, authored by Anne Tamar-Mattis of Advocates for Informed…
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Alice Dreger: Do you have to pee standing up to be a real man?

Alice Dreger, professor of clinical medical humanities and bioethics at the Northwestern University, USA, writes on hypospadias in Pacific Standard, The Science of Society: the simple idea that a real man has to pee standing up “has put a surprising number of babies under the knife”. Hypospadias is likely more common than widely understood: In…
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We welcome the VEOHRC Guidelines for General Practitioners

We welcome the publication of guidelines for general practitioners by the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission. With our input, it includes a good statement about what constitutes discrimination by family doctors towards intersex people. The statement reads: Intersex people are a distinct group from transgender people and may experience different forms of discrimination….
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Morgan speaking at the Geelong Pathways to healthcare event

Healthcare pathways for intersex people

Morgan Carpenter and Tony Briffa (OII Australia) and Bonnie Hart (AISSGA) spoke on intersex healthcare in Geelong in October. The event also discussed healthcare pathways for transgender and gender diverse youth. Morgan gave a presentation: Tony and Bonnie participated in a panel discussion with Dr Nate Reid and Tracy Whitmore:

Participants at the Third International Intersex Forum in Malta

Malta Declaration

Between 29 November and 1 December 2013, the Third International Intersex Forum, supported by ILGA and ILGA-Europe, took place in Valletta, Malta. The event brought together 34 activists representing 30 intersex organisations from all continents, and produced a common declaration.

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Gay News Network: We must put an end to normalising surgery

Gay News Network has kindly published an opinion piece by OII Australia president Morgan Carpenter: While it may not be foremost in the minds of many gay men, the clitoris is the only part of any human body that’s purely designed for pleasure. But is too much of a good thing a bad thing? Research…
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Open birth sex assignments do not reduce surgical interventions

Blank or indeterminate classifications on infant’s birth certificates do not, alone, reduce the likelihood of surgical interventions. This might seem like a non sequitur, but it turns out to be fundamentally important because many people do argue that moves in Germany to establish similarly open sex assignment polices for some intersex infants at birth will…
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