Author: Admin

Jenny Brockie, on SBS Insight

SBS Insight screen episode on intersex people and medicine

In November 2017, SBS Insight screened a program on the medicalisation of intersex people. Several IHRA members and directors participated, as well as parents and clinicians. The full episode is available to view online.

Tony Briffa

Tony Briffa: my experience as the first openly intersex Mayor

Tony Briffa has written for the Intersex Day Project on becoming the world’s first openly intersex elected public official. In 2009 and 2010 I was elected to the position of Deputy Mayor, and in 2011 I was elected Mayor. I am currently an elected Councillor. This all means that I became the first publicly ‘out’…
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QPS event

Intersex Awareness Day events around Australia

Intersex Awareness Day events will take place across multiple capital cities in Australia this year, including Brisbane, Canberra, Melbourne, and Sydney. They include music, film screenings, talks and discussions.

Parliament, 2017

Parliamentary Friendship Group breakfast for Intersex Awareness Day

OII Australia was pleased to participate alongside the AIS Support Group Australia held a breakfast and panel at Australia’s federal Parliament House in Canberra on 19 October. The event took place on the last joint (House and Senate) Parliamentary sitting day before Intersex Awareness Day on 26 October. Around 20 Senators and Members of the…
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Yes to marriage equality

Vote YES for marriage equality

Intersex people are diverse: some of us are married, or able to marry legally in Australia, while others of us are not. OII Australia supports a YES vote. We encourage our members, supporters and broader constituency to vote YES for marriage equality, and we encourage you to talk with your family, friends and colleagues about…
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the shape of SA, in purple

Birth certificate reform in South Australia

In November 2016, a diverse group of people with intersex variations participated in a parliamentary briefing, including intersex women, intersex men and people with other gender identities, talking about the issues that concerned us: of isolation, unnecessary medicalisation, and lack of bodily autonomy. In March 2017, more than twenty current and future leaders of the…
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the shape of Victoria, in purple

Gaslighting in Victoria

In mid 2016, OII Australia made a submission to the United Nations Committee against Torture documenting human rights violations against intersex people in Australia. Since around that date, the Department of Health and Human Services in Victoria has systematically removed evidence of human rights violations, including psychosocial justifications for surgeries such as “marriage” prospects, and…
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Darlington retreat

Darlington Statement

The Darlington Statement is a joint consensus statement by Australian and Aotearoa/New Zealand intersex organisations and independent advocates, agreed in March 2017. It sets out the priorities and calls to action by the intersex human rights movement in our countries.

RightsTalk, 22 February 2017: Anna Brown, Imam Nur Warsame, Morgan Carpenter, and Ed Santow

Morgan Carpenter: RightsTalk on protecting the rights of intersex people

On 22 February 2017, co-executive director Morgan Carpenter spoke at an Australian Human Rights Commission RightsTalk, on “Creating Equality – The Role of Law in Protecting SOGII Rights”. The event was hosted by Human Rights Commissioner Ed Santow, with Anna Brown, Director of Advocacy and Strategic Litigation, Human Right Law Centre and Imam Nur Warsame,…
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